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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it ...

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it ...

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Archive for January 2011

How to Set Up a Blog for Beginners

  • Shop around for a blogging platform that fits your needs
  • Pick a topic for your blog by considering your audience and what you hope to achieve with the blog
  • Choose wisely when selecting a domain name or blog address
  • Use the tools and options to customize your blog to your liking
  • Write compelling blog posts to set your blog apart from others on the same topic
  • Grow your readership using social media and word of mouth
  • Monetize your blog, but remember it likely will only provide pocket change

  • wish to learn how to set up a blog for beginners. All you need to get started is an email address and something to say.

    A blog (weblog) is a special type of website that displays entries or posts in reverse chronological order. The most recently written post appears at the top. The posts themselves consist of text, images, links to other websites and, typically, a means for readers to leave comments about the post.

    Blogs can function as online diaries, soap boxes, journalistic ventures or internet scrapbooks. They can cover any number of subjects from pop culture to politics to what you had for lunch yesterday.

    There's more than one free blogging service that can have you up and running in under five minutes. No technical expertise needed. Keeping the blog active and growing your readership takes much longer and requires a commitment to the project.

Step 1: Define Your Niche

Before you create a blog, it is important to decide on the theme or subject area your blog will cover. Two main factors should be considered when picking a topic to blog about, your audience and what you are passionate about, be it work or pleasure.

Determine Your Audience

Who your audience is will determine which type of blog host you use, the content of your blog, whether or not you publicize your blog and what success means for you in respect to your blogging endeavors. To determine your audience, ask yourself these questions:
  1. Are you creating a blog primarily to keep in touch with family and friends?
  2. Do you want to create a blog for people in your profession or who share your interests?
  3. Is your blog an extension of your business? 

    Decide on a Subject

    1. If you want your blog to be more than an online diary or a means of staying connected with family and friends, you will need to decide what subject matter your blog will cover.
    2. How focused your blog is on a particular subject is entirely up to you. Your blog can simply cover the stuff that is interesting to you and need not be defined beyond that.
    3. If, however, you would like to target your blog to a particular niche or audience, here are some things you might consider:

      1. What are you interested in?
      2. What are you an expert in?
      3. Would your occupation be an interesting subject?
      4. What do you think is currently missing online?
      5. Do you have a goal that you're trying to achieve that could be documented online?
      6. Will you be able to blog about the subject matter consistently over a long period of time?
      7. How many other blogs exist on the subject matter you've chosen? Do you have a fresh take to stand out from the rest?
    4. If you need some inspiration, check out some of the most popular blogs on the internet through Technorati's Popular Blogs page or the Webby Awards' list of blogging nominees.

    • NOTE: Take heed if you choose to blog about your workplace. Unless you password protect your blog, it is a public document. Most employers are web savvy, and even the most well-intended comments could run afoul of your workplace's rules and regulations. Time and time again bloggers have been disciplined and even fired for negative or improper comments about their job posted on their blog.

      Step 2: Name Your Blog

      There's no limit to what you can name your blog. Some blogs have names that relate to their subject matter - Cute Overload, Treehugger, Some blogs have completely nonsensical names that are just plain catchy like Boing Boing, Small Dead Animals, The Coming. The easiest way out may just be naming your blog after yourself.
      Technically, you can name your blog whatever you'd like. However, there are limits to what your blog's URL or web address can be. Whatever you decide, keep in mind that a blog's name should ideally be memorable, short, easy to spell and free of hyphens.

      Most people like their blog's name to match its URL address. For instance, the URL address for the blog Boing Boing is The URL address for Bookslut is

      Using a Hosted Blog

      If you are using a hosted blog service such as, Typepad, Blogger or Vox, you have two options. When you create a blog through these services, you are assigned a web address, which will look like this:

      If you don't mind having your host service's name in your web address, than you can simply check your potential blog name's availability when you register for an account. This is the simplest solution, particularly if this is your first blogging experience.

      Using Your Own Domain

      If you'd like your web address to read, you will need to purchase a registered domain name. You can check the availability of a domain name at one of the many sites including NameBoy, DomainsBot and Whois Source.

      Once you've found an available name, you can purchase it from one of several online hosting sites including GoDaddy, pairNIC and Network Solutions.

      After you set-up your blog with Typepad, or Blogger, you can "point" your newly-purchased domain name to your blog. We'll cover how to do this in Step four as it differs from service to service.

      Deleting Your Blog

      You can delete your blog at any time by clicking on the "Delete This Blog" button at the bottom of the Basics page under the Settings tab.

      Step 4b: Create Your Blog with

      How to decide which WordPress to use

      Your First Post

      WordPress Functionality Videos from 




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      How to Make Your Own Website Facts


      • A web page can be created using only a text editor.
      • Cascading style sheets are the best way to change font style and color.
      • Sans-serif fonts are the easiest to read on monitors.
      • You can use the image tag to change the size of your images.
      • Once your website is created, you will need to upload it to your web host's server


      How to Make Your Own Website
      If you want to make your own website but do not want to spend money on an expensive program, have no clue what HTML and CSS means and don't know the basics of web design, then this page is perfect for you. It will guide you step by step on the basic elements of a web page using only a text editor, a web browser and your computer.

      Are you feeling like everyone has their own website except you, and that you have no idea where to start? Well, don't despair. This page will take you through the basics of how to create a website. This page was written to conform as much as possible with HTML 4 Specifications created by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

      Since the purpose of this page is to teach you how to make your own website, even if you're not particularly net-savvy, it is going to guide you through the basics of HTML and CSS programing. By the time you're finished with this page, you will master all of the fundamental skills necessary to build your own website from scratch.

      Let's Get Started

      If you want to make your own website but do not want to spend money on an expensive program, or you have no clue what HTML and CSS mean, and you don't know the basics of web design, then this page is perfect for you. It will guide you step by step on the basic elements of a web page using only a text editor, a web browser and your computer.

      First you will need a domain, which you can find at a site like GoDaddy. Then using a a host provider such as Pow Web, they will direct you to an area where you can begin to formulate your web page.

      Creating Your Home Page

          * It's time to start creating your home page. For the purposes of this exercise, we will be creating a very bare bones webpage. The HTML for a very basic web page looks like this:

          * <html>
          * <head>
          * <title>Page Title</title>
          * </head>
          * <body>
          * </body>
          * </html>

          * The letters between the <> are called tags. Tags come in pairs that begin with the basic code and end with the basic code preceded by a backslash (/). So what do all these mean?

         1. <html> tells the browser that the page is written in html. Always start and end your page with this tag. The </html> indicates the end of the page.
         2. <head> indicates where the header begins and </head> signals where it ends. Information in this section will not be visible on the page.
         3. <title> is the title of the document that is located at the top of the browser. Again, the </title> is placed at the end of the page. Many beginners forget this tag and the page ends up being titled "untitled." The title of this page is "How to Make Your Own Website - Mahalo".
         4. <body> indicates where the body begins and </body> where it ends. This is where the majority of your information will be put.

          * That's it. That's all you need to have an html page. Of course, what you end up with is a blank page, but the rest is coming. Your home page is the only page that has a predetermined title. For future pages, you can choose your own names for them.

      Formatting Text

          * Text is the most important aspect of a web page. Formatting text is relatively simple.

         1. Paragraphs: To create a paragraph, surround the words with p code brackets.
         2. Bold: You can make text bold by surrounding it with <b></b>. A similar tag is <strong>. Strong is used to indicate that text should have a stronger emphasis, which most browsers display as bold.W3C HTML 4.01 Specification: Text1
         3. Italics: You can add italics by surrounding text with <i></i>. A similar tag is the <em>-- </em> --> or emphasis tag. Emphasis is generally displayed as italics.W3C HTML 4.01 Specification: Text1
         4. Breaks: The <p> tag will automatically create breaks in between paragraphs, to create line breaks elsewhere, you can use the <br> tag. This tag is different because it stands alone and does not require a closing tag such as </br>

          * You may see other tutorials talk about fancy tags such as tt, strike or small. These tags have been deprecated in favor of style sheets, which is covered in the next section.


          * Header tags are a great way of breaking up text on a page. They come in six predefined sizes with <h1> being the largest and <h6> being the smallest. An extra blank line is automatically added before and after a heading.W3 Schools: Basic HTML Tags2 Again, you need both an opening (<h1>) and a closing (</h1>) tag.

      Character Entities

          * Computers come with all sorts of neat characters that are not easily understood by web browsers. They require character entity references. For example, if you want to display the & sign you need to type in &#38; or it may not show up correctly. Some of the more common characters you will need to know include:

      Adding a Cascading Style Sheet

          * Changing the alignment, color, style and other features in your web page is done though cascading style sheets. These can be embedded or linked. For the purposes of this page, we are going to create an embedded style sheet.
               1. Start by going up to the top of your html document.
               2. After the </title> tag but before the </head> tag add in the following information:
                      o <style type="text/css">
                      o </style>

          * Every style change made on the web page will be inserted between those two tags.W3C: Dave Raggett's Introduction to CSS3 Here is how you add style:
               1. On a new line, in between the two style tags, type in the tag you want to change. For the purposes of this exercise we will be working with the h1 tag.
               2. Then type a space followed by {
               3. Type in the style code followed by }

          * So, let's say you wanted to change header 1 to make it centered. This is what you would type h1 {text-align: center} between the style tags. The entire code should look like this:
                o <style type="text/css">
                o h1 {text-align: center}
                o </style>

      Making Temporary Style Changes

          * Now that you understand the basics of style sheets, lets take it one step further. Let's pretend you want to have one paragraph on your web page centered, but the rest of your paragraphs aligned left. This is done by adding classes. You can choose your own names for classes.

          * To add a class to a style sheet:
               1. Add a period (.) after the tag.
               2. Type in a name.
               3. For example, you could type p.middle {text-align: center}
          * You also need to make a minor adjustment to the body of your document when you want to use that class. Instead of simply typing <p> you type <p class="middle">.

      Popular Style Changes

          * Here are some of the more common changes you may want to make. Color and font changes are discussed in the next sections. Examples are marked in olive. To review the basic format is Tag.class {attribute: value}
          * <td align="left" valign="top">
          * Align text center:
          * Align text right:
          * Align text left:
          * Bold:
          * Normal font:
          * Italic:
          * Underline:
          * Strike through:
          * </td>
          * <td align="left" valign="top" width="210px">
          * text-align: center
          * text-align: right
          * text-align: left
          * font-weight: bold
          * font-weight: normal
          * font-style: italic
          * text-decoration: underline
          * text-decoration: line-through
          * </td>
          * <td align="left" valign="top" width="260px">
          * h1 {text-align: center}
          * p.right {text-align: right}
          * p {text-align: left}
          * h2 {font-weight: bold}
          * p {font-weight: normal}
          * h3 {font-style: italic}
          * h4 {text-decoration: underline}
          * p.cross {text-decoration: line-through}
          * </td>
          * </tr>
          * </table>

      More Information about Cascading Style Sheets

          * For more information about Cascading Style Sheets availability, check out any of the following sites:
      1. W3 Schools: CSS Tutorial
      2. W3C: Dave Raggett's Introduction to CSS
      3. W3C: Cascading Style Sheets
      4. Sitepoint: An Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
      5. CSS Tutorial

      Changing Fonts

          * Changing fonts and font size is not more difficult than other style changes, but it can be trickier. It is trickier because the changes will affect the readability of your website. Using a fancy font may be pretty, but can also make your site unreadable to visitors. The same goes for making fonts smaller and fixing font Let Users Control Font Size4

          * When changing the font size, it is best you set it in terms of percent rather than points, which creates a fixed font size.W3C: Dave Raggett's Introduction to CSS3 Percentage allows visitors to increase or decrease the fonts on your site if necessary. Here are a couple of examples on how you can do this:

        * Double font size:               * font-size: 200%    * h1 {font-size: 200%}
        * Reduce font size in half:     * font-size: 50%      * p.small {font-size: 50%}
        * Normal font size:               * font-size: 100%    * p {font-size: 100%}

            You can also change the fonts used on your website. You will find that most sites (like Mahalo) use sans-serif fonts, which have no lines at the end of the characters, because sans-serif fonts are easier to read on monitors. Interestingly, the opposite is true when it comes to printed material. However, fonts will only work if your viewer has the fonts installed on their computer.BCE 61 Resources: Font for Web Pages5 Luckily, CSS allows you to list a variety of fonts for a given tag or a generic font family.W3 Schools: CSS font-family Property6 That way, if the user does not have your first choice of font, it will use a similar font.

          * Here are the five generic fonts and the most commonly used examples of these fonts:
               1. Serif: Times New Roman, Book Antiqua, Garamond, Palatino Linotype and Georgia.Code Style: Serif Font Sampler and Survey Results
               2. Sans-serif: Arial, Century Gothic, Tahoma, Helvetica and Verdana.Code Style: Sans Serif Font Sampler and Survey Results
               3. Monospace: Courier, Lucida Console and Monaco.Code Style: Monospace Font Sampler and Survey Results
               4. Cursive: Comic Sans MS, Monotype Corsiva and Apple Chancery.Code Style: Cursive Font Sampler and Survey Results
               5. Fantasy: Impact, Haettenschweiler, Marker Felt, Copperplate and Papyrus.Code Style: Fantasy Font Sampler and Survey Results

          * To change fonts on your site you use the "font-family" and then list the fonts in order of preference. Each font is separated by a comma and fonts that have more than one word must be placed in quotes.W3 Schools: CSS font-family Property6 A couple of examples on how you would do this:
                o p {font-family: arial, "lucida console", sans-serif}
                o h1 {font-size: "times new roman", georgia, serif}

      More Information on Fonts

          * For more information about fonts and font availability, check out any of the following sites:
      1. Hobo: What Is The Best Font Size To Use In Website Design?
      2. Alledia: Why Should You Choose a Website Font Carefully? (May 24, 2007)
      3. Webspace Works: Fonts for Web Design: Further Comparison of Cross-platform Dependability
      4. Web Design Tips & Tricks: Common Fonts to All Versions of Windows & Mac Equivalents
      5. Microsoft: Recommended Fonts

      Changing Color


          • White #FFFFFF
          • Black #000000
          • Silver #C0C0C0
          • Gray #808080
          • Maroon #800000
          • Red #FF0000
          • Purple #800080
          • Fuchsia #FF00FF
          • Green #008000
          • Lime #00FF00
          • Olive #808000
          • Yellow #FFFF00
          • Navy #000080
          • Blue #0000FF
          • Teal #008080
          • Aqua #00FFFF
          • Note: White was not displayed in its color because it would not have appeared against the background. 

            • Again, color is changed using a style sheet. Some examples are listed below. The attribute and value includes everything that is not bold.

              • Make background black: background-color: black
              • Make background green: background-color: #008000
              • Make the text red: color: #FF0000
              • Make the text navy: color: Navy
            • To change the background of an entire page, you simply insert the attribute and value into the style sheet with body as the tag. If you want to change text inside of another element (such as paragraph) you can use span as the tag. Here is an example of how these can be used.

            Creating Links

            • There are two types of links you need to know how to create: internal and external. Internal links are links parts of your page. External links are links to pages on other sites or pages on your site.
            • An external link has three parts:
              1. Opening tag (which includes a web address)
              2. Link text (the words you want the browser to show)
              3. Closing tag
            • It looks like this <a href="">Pop star lavanya - Free Online Jobs</a> but would show up looking like this: Pop star lavanya - Free Online Jobs
            • If you are linking to a page in your own site (which you'll want to do as you expand your website), you are not required to (but can) use the entire web address. For example, if I wanted to link to a page on this site named webpage.html all I would need to type is:
              • <a href="webpage.html">Web Page</a>.
            • If the file is located in a parent folder or directory, you need to add "../" in front of it.W3C: Getting started with HTML    For example:
              • <a href="../webpage.html">Web Page</a>.
            • If the file is located in a subdirectory, you need to add "/" in front of it.W3C: Getting started with HTML - For example:
              • <a href="/webpage.html">Web Page</a>.
            If you want to display an image instead of text for a link (for example, the Mahalo logo in the upper left is a link to Mahalo's home page, you replace the link text with an image tag. For example: <a href=""><img src="lavanya.gif" alt="Mahalo's Home Page"></a>

            Changing Link Style

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